Our connection runs deep, like the roots of a tree, anchored in the earth and each other. We stay grounded, deeply rooted in our bond, always rooting for one another.

We commit ourselves to the earth and each other, knowing where we stand and what we stand for together. And we stay loyal to our anchored roots, nourishing our choice in each other.

Our roots intertwine and thus grow stronger together with every twist and snarl and entanglement and muddle. But we push through, connecting with Mother Nature and each other, for together, we are rooted in this life, planted firmly into the ground forever.

And from our roots, we stand tall like trees—the cathedrals in the forest—and live in communion with the universe and bear fruit together.

For we are the earth, the roots, the bark, and the curvature of the branches; we are the trees, with our steeples pointing to the sky, a glorious painting against the sky-blue canvas.