Mother Nature is constantly reinventing herself—with or without us. Let us look to her and reinvent ourselves in her image, in God’s image, connecting to the Source and who we truly are—potential.
Fire, the transformational force, is the potential within us. It is the force that allows us to be the light that shines deep within us. It is the force that kindles our burning souls, ignites that blaze, stokes that flame, engulfing us whole. When we unlock our potential, we are transformed. And when we are transformed, we don’t smoke; we burn. And we create the hearth, leaving ashes behind, there to remind us of the wildfire that blazes within us, of the ideas, the creativity, the magic—the potential that exists but needs to be ignited. All we need is that gentle blow, that ignition of oxygen, that force to help us burn and, in so doing, ignite that flame in others who dare transform.
When we take an unpopular stand, we put ourselves in the line of fire, but with courage, we step through our fears and step into ourselves—our values and who we were created to be—and realize there is nothing that can burn us down, nothing that can extinguish the torches that light the way for us.
Unleash your potential and ignite the world.

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